
May 9, 2013

Reviving the Liberal Arts


Since the focus of much of my writing is self-education, some might think I am entirely antagonistic to formal education. Not true. In fact, I know formal education has its rightful place alongside informal education (self-education), although I do feel the shift must move significantly more towards the informal.

Higher education institutions however must rethink their purpose and their process and part of this rethinking must be to move the core of all good education to that of a more liberal education. It is only through the learning of a wide cross section of ideas, principles and practices that we, as a society, will rise to our highest natures.

This applies to self-education as well. Myopic focus on singular topics or singular skills to the exclusion of others will result in expertise perhaps, but not necessarily wisdom. And it’s wisdom that is in desperate short supply these days.

In the following talk delivered to the TED conference by Liz Coleman, President of Bennington College, a case is eloquently made for the necessity of reviving the liberal arts education and its accompanying mindset. Take a few moments and listen to Liz Coleman’s wise and inspiring words. I hope you take them to heart when pursuing your own education, self-directed or otherwise.

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